Wim Visser for Sphinx Maastricht

Wim Visser, Sphinx Maastricht, € 45


fish holy water font, sold



€ 45

Jesus, bow, holy water font, sold


Antique jasperware holy water font, sold

Ceramic holy water font: fish, sold


Vintage Goebel Hummel holy water font, € 47.50.

Vintage ceramic holy water font, angel terracotta, € 38.50

Antique mother of pearl holy water font, shell

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font: Jesus with cross

Antique Hummel holy water font, Goebel.

Antique porcelain holy water font, Ave Maria, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font: Mary with child, € 75

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font, Therese, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font, angel, € 45.

Antique onyx holy water font, sold.

Antique bisque holy water font angel, sold.

Bisque holy water font: infant of Prague, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font, Mary, sold.

Mother of pearl holy water font, sold.

Antique porcelain holy water font, child, sold.

Antique holy water font, angel, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holu water font, angels, sold.

Antique holy water font : Porceleyne Fles, sold.

Pastel colours holy water font: angel, sold.

Antique holy water font : angel, sold.

Antique holy water font : Ave Maria, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font: communion, sold.

Art deco porcelain holy water font: Gloria, sold.

Antique angel holy water font, sold.

Antique porcelain holy water font, angel, sold.

Bisque porcelain holy water font, sold.

Guardian angel holy water font, sold.

Antique biscuit porcelain holy water font, angel, Dressel, Kister & Cie, sold.

Terracotta holy water font, sold.

Antique holy water font, mater dolorosa, sold.

Antique bisque porcelain holy water font, sold.

Antique pewter holy water font, sold.